Budget Boat Charters


When you are shopping around for a charter company to accommodate your next, much anticipated cruise, you first read the sailing and cruising magazines or search the Web. And, of course, you find dozens of companies. Some are "first-tier" and some "second-tier" companies. They are very different from each other. But how can you tell? And, what are the pros and the cons? In a nutshell, what in the world are we talking about here?


A "first-tier" company exclusively puts brand new boats in its fleet, keeps them in charter work in their fleet and from 3.5 to 5 years maximum, and then takes them out of the fleet. No exceptions. At the end of the contract, the boat owners either:

A "second-tier" company generally puts used boats in its fleet, though some companies may have a few new yachts too. But the bulk of the second-tier fleets will comprise used boats, which almost always come from first-tier fleets, from which they have been retired. Does it mean that those boats have been trashed and beat-up to death? Does it mean you could end up in a nightmarish cruise on one of those boats? Absolutely not.

No doubt that you have in the past heard some horror stories about charters from hell on some half-wrecked boats, whose bad shape you usually discover on the second day of your cruise-when it is too late! Those stories can certainly be true, just in the same way that they can be true of poorly maintained nearly new yachts. But it does not mean that you cannot find excellent deals and very good boats among second-tier charter companies. Again, as with, by the way, the first-tier fleets, it will very much depend which kind of company and people you are dealing with.

Reputable 2nd-tier companies will only include in their fleet boats that are in very good shape, the maintenance of which has been excellent throughout their life in a 1st-tier fleet, and which went through a thorough refit at the end of that segment of their life. Most 1st-tier charter companies carry out a phase-out refurbishment at the end of the yacht's time in the fleet. This means that they are usually in pretty good shape when they enter the fleet of a 2nd-tier company. Additionally, the good 2nd-tier fleets will perform first-class maintenance on their boats as well. With those companies you are more than likely to be very satisfied with your charter boat and cruise.

Pros and Cons of Good Second-Tier Companies



We are developing our research about second-tier companies, and as we said, it is not always easy, even for us. In the meantime, for starters, there are several second-tier companies we like in the Caribbean: In St Vincent, Windward Islands, Barefoot Yacht Charters, and in the British Virgin Islands BVI Yacht Charters.

Explore for those of you looking to charter on a tighter budget while having your money worth of cruising. But as usual, your homework will pay off!